Stuff the Bus - Community School Supply Drive

Back to school means school supplies! We need your help from May through August to fill the bus with backpacks and school supplies for local students. These resources are vital to student success and educational performance. UWLC will provide a list of items to collect. Rally your troops and start a school supply drive to STUFF THE BUS!

Classroom Reading Days

Small volunteer groups can read to a class and lead an activity. This project will allow children to begin a process of engaging with professional individuals who can share with them the importance and fun of reading!

  • Time frame dependent on school flexibility

Classroom Readers

In early March, we participate in Read Across America Day by collaborating with our school partners to bring guest readers into classrooms. Volunteers will share their love of reading with kindergarten through 3rd-grade children.

Science Speaker

During the last week of April, local scientists volunteer to make presentations to local students about their careers. Many students struggling with poverty are unaware of career options available to them. Volunteers help to spark an interest in science and motivate students to do well in school by demonstrating the direct connection between academics and future success. Science Speakers currently volunteer in 5th grade classrooms at Glenwood Elementary.

Career Speakers

Career Speakers are successful local professionals who demonstrate the value of staying in school and illustrate the direct connection between academics and future success. Career Speakers engage students in discussion focusing around career exploration, creating future pathways, and encourage leadership and success in school. Speakers will visit Waukegan schools in the Spring.

Interested in Volunteering?

Contact Bobbi Selvik at (847) 775-1022 or

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