"88% feel their job is more fulfilling when they are provided opportunities to make a positive impact on social or environmental issues."
Cone Communications


Some workplace fundraising ideas include:


Silent Auction: The company and employees donate auction items with all proceeds going to United Way.

Front Row Parking: Raffle front row parking sports for a year or during the winter months.

Extra Vacation Day: Raffle/auction off a day or ½ day of vacation.

Box Raffle: Boxes are placed in highly-trafficked areas with the name of a prize on each. Employees buy tickets and put them in the boxes corresponding to the prize they want to win. A winner is drawn from each box after a given amount of time.

Penny Wars: Members of each office department deposit change into their own jar (pennies, nickels, and dimes) and place quarters in jars of other department. Quarters count as negative while other denominations are positive. The department with the highest positive number wins a lunch provided by the company.

Entertainment Drive: Donate new/used books, videos, DVDs, board games or puzzles and hold a sale to benefit United Way.

Denim Days: Collect a fee from coworkers who want to wear jeans or casual clothes on the designated day. Be sure to promote it and place signs and posters up in your organization to explain who it will benefit.

Themed Parties: Host a themed party such as: Hawaiian, Mardi Gras, beach bash, cookie caper, etc. and hold a pay-per-plate lunch with foods matching the designated theme.


Bake Sale: Employees buy employee-donated baked goods to benefit United Way.

Lunch w/ CEO: Auction or raffle off lunch with the CEO – CEO’s treat!

Tailgate Party: Hold a pay-per-plate cookout during lunch. Cook burgers, brats and hot dogs with condiments with other tailgating snacks.

Chili Cook-off: Participants pay to enter their chili into the contest. Choose judges and determine prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. After judging, employees can pay to sample each chili with the donations benefitting United Way.

Potluck: Post a sign-up sheet for employees to bring entrees, salads and desserts. Decorate the room and adjust entry fees for those who bring an item.

Build Your Own Sundae: Have a wide variety of sundae toppings available for employees to build their own sundaes on a hot day.


Apple Bob: Employees nominate contestants and vote using cash in jars. Fill buckets with water and apples. Contestants complete for 3 minutes to grab the most apples with their mouths and a prize is given to the winner.

Golf Putt: Supply a putting green a club. Employees pay per putt for a chance to win prizes.

Office Olympics: Have a tricycle or office chair race. Use items around your work location for golfing, shooting baskets, etc. Have spelling contests, typing contests, contests to develop the most persuasive or most complimentary memo, etc. Devise rules for each race and seek out participants. Combine the event with a cookout.

Step Challenge: Challenge yourself and your colleagues to walk or run as many steps as you can. Solicit pledges per step with proceeds to the United Way of Lake County. Compete as an individual, a family, or a department. Set up a competition between departments with the winners receiving company merchandise, PTO, or simple recognition in the company newsletter.

Additional Info

For more information, contact Quinton Snodgrass at (847) 775-1046 or Quinton.Snodgrass@uwlakeco.org.

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