Breakfast Club

Helping students achieve success and become future leaders of tomorrow.


Breakfast Club is a before-school mentorship program for 8th graders that provides academic mentorship, helps build their confidence and self-esteem, and teaches skills to be successful in their transition to high school. Breakfast Club is a program of Leaders United, an affinity group of United Way of Lake County, and is in partnership with Robert Abbott Middle School in Waukegan.

Middle school is a key time for mentorship. By mid-school year, a staggering percentage of 9th graders are failing in school. Mentorship programs like Breakfast Club help provide a steady foundation of skills to start and end the first year of high school successfully.

Breakfast Club is a great way to start the day. Each session begins with a short icebreaker to start the conversation and encourage each student to engage in a quiet dialogue with his or her mentor before moving into academic assistance.

Leaders United mentors find that the time spent with their mentees is meaningful to each student's success.


"My first time mentoring with Breakfast Club was so rewarding that I decided to sign up for the next sessions. It is great knowing that an hour out of your day can make a huge impact on the lives of these students. It was amazing to see how open and willing they are to connect with us. This initiative really transforms our community and I can't wait for it to grow!" - Ninad Manier, ITW Construction Products

“This program is so important to me! As a Waukegan resident, I know the importance of mentoring our youth and inspiring them to relentlessly chase their dreams and goals! I’m thrilled to be a part of Leaders United!” - Anton Mathews

Success Story

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Additional Info

To learn more about the Breakfast Club, email

Breakfast Club Alumni Interview

“I would describe Breakfast Club as a place of safety. Breakfast Club has really brought me out of my shy side, taught me how to be more well-rounded and given me more opportunities for my future.” - Katherine Rivas, former Breakfast Club mentee

Student Survey Results

  • 96% of students would recommend Breakfast Club to their peers.
  • 92% of students feel better prepared for high school thanks to Breakfast Club.
  • 3 main reasons the students enjoyed Breakfast Club: Mentors, learning something new, and the special topics. Topics include mindfulness and self-care, difficult conversations, the importance of empathy, how to be your own advocate, developing a growth mindset, and preparing for high school.
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