When Brent was in 8th grade, he saw a sign reading “Join Breakfast Club” hanging in the hallway of his middle school. Brent decided to take a chance and he signed up.

Breakfast Club is a before-school mentorship program for 7th and 8th graders that helps students prepare for a successful transition into high school.

The transition to high school is a major life change. Many students, who find the transition especially difficult, end up repeating a grade, disconnecting from school or dropping out. Breakfast Club mentors help students build a foundation so they are better prepared to successfully transition
to high school.

Brent was matched with his mentor, Jim, Uploaded Imagea member of United Way of Lake County’s affinity group, Leaders United. Each session, Jim took time to connect with Brent about school and his interests. They talked about hobbies, homework, friends and classes. And they loved talking about sports! Brent is a huge fan of football and hopes to play in college. For Brent, each meeting was a time to reset and get centered for the school day ahead. “When I met with Jim, it felt like I was in a cocoon. It was protected time. If I was feeling off that day, the meeting helped me prepare for my day ahead.” Jim watched as Brent’s involvement in Breakfast Club sparked an interest in helping others. “Throughout the school year, Brent talked more and more about wanting to help others. Seeing how Brent has grown and now wants to continue volunteering while in high school makes me proud.”

Today, Brent is a freshman at Waukegan High School and he is proud to be getting A’s and B’s. Brent is preparing for college and is taking on leadership roles to help others. Each Thursday, Brent tutors elementary students. Through ROTC, Brent provides community outreach to support veterans. Brent is a member of Becoming a Man (BAM), a student group that focuses on preparing young men for adulthood. And, next year, Brent’s work will come full circle—he will work in partnership with UWLC to welcome the new crew of Breakfast Club students as they begin the program.

Recently, Brent attended and spoke at a Leader's United event to recruit new Breakfast Club mentors. Brent shared his experience and encouraged others to become mentors so more kids, like him, can benefit. “Breakfast Club mentors help kids who are in hard spots in life. They help them feel good about themselves. Kids who are in a bad place in life sometimes get passed by. Mentors help kids feel cared for and they help inspire us to do better.”

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