Kindergarten Countdown Camp: Evelin Herrera
Up next for our Kindergarten Countdown Camp (KCC) summer blog series is Evelin Herrera, a KCC parent, sharing her perspective on how camp has benefited her daughter who entered kindergarten this past fall. This summer, Evelin organized a volunteer event at her work (VW Credit) to create literacy kits for the children attending KCC this summer.
What is your involvement with Kindergarten Countdown Camp?
My daughter attended Kindergarten Countdown Camp at Lyon Magnet Elementary last summer. I was so amazed by United Way and everyone involved with Kindergarten Countdown Camp that it inspired me. I wanted to give back to United Way and the community by involving an employee resource group (A3), that I am a member of, by donating the supplies needed and creating literacy kits.
What benefits did Kindergarten Countdown Camp have on your child?
Prior to KCC, I believed my daughter had a good knowledge base to begin kindergarten when it came to ABCs and counting but had not had much interaction with children her age. KCC taught my daughter to love school and she interacted with a diverse group of children. She made new friends and learned several skills sets that were essential for kindergarten, something I didn’t realize she needed. She was excited to go to school every day and couldn’t wait for the Friday field trips! My daughter will forever remember her first teachers, Mrs. Latz and Mrs. Feldman.
One component of KCC is parent engagement. Why is it crucial for parent’s to act as their child’s first teacher?
A strong foundation from the beginning is necessary in order to be successful. The more, we as parents can do to prepare our children for kindergarten, the better chances they will have to succeed and set a positive tone for rest of their elementary years.
Do you think Kindergarten Countdown Camp is making an impact on children that attend?
As a parent, I am most definitely my child’s first teacher, from the moment they are born they look at me for guidance. As school begins, we have to promote their education and provide them positive support so they can be their best.
What does education mean to you?
Education is a lifetime experience that teaches us skills and gives us the opportunity to find ourselves. This allows us to build a strong foundation for success in anything we aspire to do in our lives and in society.
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