Kindergarten Countdown Camp: Edna Galvan
We are thrilled to share the last post in our Waukegan Kindergarten Countdown Camp (KCC) summer blog series. Here to wrap things is our Success By 6 Program Manager, Edna Galvan, sharing her reflection of camp this summer at Lyon Elementary School.
What is your role at Camp?
Whenever I had the opportunity to visit camp, I would help the teachers in the classrooms with anything that they needed.
So far, what has been the most memorable part about your involvement in the Kindergarten Countdown Camp?
For me, the most memorable part about Kindergarten Countdown Camp has been getting to know the students who are attending. Each student is unique and they all have fun personalities. At the beginning of camp, there are some students who are timid or emotional because they miss their parents and it is great to see them break out of their shell as they start to get comfortable. In the short period of time that we host Kindergarten Countdown Camp, we become attached to the students that it is always sad to say goodbye at the end of the summer.
Have there been any students or teachers, in particular, that have impacted you and how?
All four of our teachers for our Kindergarten Countdown Camp in Waukegan have been phenomenal. They have worked so hard all throughout camp to ensure that their students gain knowledge and confidence so that they will be better prepared for kindergarten this fall. We are so thankful for all of their hard work and dedication this summer.
Do you think Kindergarten Countdown Camp is making an impact on the children that attend?
It is very clear to me that Kindergarten Countdown Camp has been making an impact on the students that are attending. At the very beginning of camp, there were a number of students who did not know how to write their name or even know how to hold/use a pair of scissors. Thanks to our awesome teachers, I have seen the confidence that the students have gained within these last couple of weeks in those key readiness skills and along with others such as counting, letter recognition, etc.
What does education mean to you?
I believe that education is the key to success. Education gives anyone the opportunity to learn, grow, inspire, and find the true you. Education is the foundation of everything and gives everyone the opportunity to have a bright future.